We love our parents, we love our motherland; the next thing we love is the place where we spent our childhood, the place we grew up and where we were taught -our schools. Ten to fifteen prime years of our life we spent in our schools.
our second home, and with our teachers who were second parents who moulded us to become good citizen of the world. Be it Europe, America, Australia or any corner of our little Island, there are OBAs to cherish the prime time we spent in and remember our alma Mater.
However, the United Arab Emirates, we are different. Upon the solid brotherhood of a group of old boys Ananda, Nalanda, Mahinda, Maliyadeva and Dharmaraja gathered and brainstormed to cultivate the great concept of the Alumni of Olcott Schools.
Our first gathering was Olcott Schools Cricket Tournament at the Dubai Country Club ground in 2007. Ananda, Nalanda, Mahinda, Maliyadeva and Dharmaraja participated in the first ever six-a-side encounter.
Ever since, we have travelled long path with a closely knitted friendship and understanding through the formation of an informal gathering. The year 2010 was a breakthrough for the Olcott Schools Old boys in the UAE; new blood was injected to the informal group. Going beyond the traditional five schools, brothers of Rahula, Dharmasoka and Dharmapala joined marking a significant turning point of the journey of old boys of Olcott Schools in the UAE.
Year 2011 was another remarkable year; for the first time we, published a cricket tournament souvenir. We organized the Olcott Pinkama, Vesak Dhamma Books Dansela and launched our web site; www.olcottschoolsuae.org. Formally we named our group as “Sri Lankan Olcott Schools Alumni – United Arab Emirates”.
We kept on extending our wings to get the momentum of the real Olcott Schools old boy’s spirit by adding new ventures and we organized family get-together to the musical tune of ‘Peduru Sajjaya”, support to Wadatta Pirivena in Anamaduwa where over 50 samaneratheros are studying, and added new feature annual Olcott Oration.
Since 2007, the Olcott Old Boys group has been run by a dedicated and committed group of old boys. In October 2014, formed its first Executive Committee governed by its own constitution.
The Olcott Schools Alumni is growing year by year in the United Arab Emirates. The dedicated committed brotherhood and friendliness are our secrecy of success. We are going and will be going forward in that spirit.
By Ajantha Premaratne (Pioneer Member of the Alumni)